Physics Photo of the Week

Physics Photo of the Week March 7, 2025 Galaxy M81 - Bode's Galaxy - photos by Donald Collins T his galaxy, near the Big Dipper asterism in the sky, part of Ursa Major constellation, is one of my favorite galaxies to photograph at the College View Observatory. Not only does it illustrate the definite spiral structure, but it also shows the predominant blue colors in the spiral arms. The "bluish" arms contrast with the bright reddish color of the broad nucleus or core of the galaxy. Galaxies have been around in the Universe since very close to the creation of the Universe according to the Big Bang theory. The James Webb telescope has imaged countless galaxies at red shifts very close to the speed of light. This large redshift indicates that these most distant galaxies are 12 billion light years distant. That is about 90 percent of the believed age of the Universe. Will there be an ultimate limit to the distance of galaxies? This galaxy, Messier 81 in the famous c...