Physics Photo of the Week December 23, 2022 The Christmas Tree Nebula - Photo by Donald Collins with the College View Observatory Merry Christmas Everyone! The Christmas Tree Nebula, part of NGC 2264 consists of a cosmic cloud composed of dust and hydrogen in the constellation Monosoros - just east of Orion. This gas/dust cloud is a busy center of extensive star formation. The dust and hydrogen gas have been contracting due to their own self-gravity and clumps become extremely dense and begin to form new stars in the centers of the dust cloud. Like the nearby Orion Nebula ( PPOW for February 8, 2019 ), this nebula is a stellar nursery where hot, giant, blue stars are "born". The Christmas Tree cloud resembles a dust "pillar", which is also seen in the Orion Nebula as a dark shadow. The bright halo surrounding the Christmas Tree cloud is a massive cloud of hydrogen that glows red and emits the red glow characteristic of a hydrogen lamp - a glass tube filled ...