Physics Photo of the Week - Sept. 27, 2024

Physics of a splash of water This week's photo shows details of the splash observed when a tennis ball was thrown into a body of water. The ball was thrown from someone on shore when a slo-mo video was recorded on a smart phone. This is the first video frame immediately after the ball landed in the water. The immediate reaction from the water is the ejection of a crown-shaped splash that we see in the photo. A few frames later we can see the rebound effect sending a long column of water shooting up from the splash area as a rebound effect of the water - seen in the photo at right. Click on either of the images to view a slo-mo video of the ball approaching the water, the immediate crown effect, then the spout of water as a result of the rebound of the water as the water rushed back into the sizable cavity made by the ball when it hit the water from a height of a few meters. Examining the slo-mo video frame-by-frame we can see that the kinetic ener...