Physics Photo of the Week

Physics Photo of the Week November 22, 2024 Galaxy M33 - The Triangulum Galaxy The Triangulum Galaxy (M 33) is located in the Triangulum constellation fairly close to the more famous Andromeda Galaxy in the sky, and is about the same distance from the Earth (between 2 million and 3 million light years). The Triangulum Galaxy, is smaller (less massive) and fainter than the Andromeda Galaxy, but it appears more delicate and seems to show more discete clouds of stars and a number of large clusters in its spiral arms. At right is a photo of the Andromeda Galaxy, but taken with a smaller focal length telescope. The Andromeda galaxy covers a much larger proportion of the sky (about 3 degrees across) compared with the angular size of the Triangulum galaxy (about 1/3 degree across). Short focal length telescopes show a larger field of view than long focal length telescopes, hence the Andromeda appears smaller than the Triangulum in these telephotos. The...